
After 3 years

After 3 years of hanging, working, learning, writing/rewriting songs, enjoying the company of old & new friends along the way; the musical endeavors of Bury Lexington have finally come to a closing point. As friends, as a band, as goofy ass fucks & as kids who just loved having a good time no matter the circumstance; we hate to put something we believed in so highly to rest but in the same manner are moving to bigger & "different" things. Our interests & music tastes have just evolved over the years. (much like how things usually work out)

With that said..

Bury Lexington was "our" outlet to creativity, relieve the stress after a shitty day at work or college & a reason to fellowship with anyone who shared similar interests. We didn't expect to mold such an odd combination of soft, heavy, chaotic, or accordant music together over the years other than what seemed natural to us. Making stupid ass videos to kill boredom along with flipping shit at a show was much better than flipping burgers at a shit restaurant to us. Whether it worked or not, that was "Bury Lexington" in a dried up definition. If you liked us, hated us, inspired us, or supported us (shirt, cd, gas money, tarp, encouraging words, etc..): we want to thank you for at least giving us the slightest chance. Live shows & late night Applebees were always great. Recording the E.P. in New Jersey was also an adventure. 2008 Tour were some of the best times of our lives with Malignant Tide that will never be forgotten.

What the future entails..

Even though Bury Lexington is done, we are not through with our musical interests. We have kind of evolved into several new projects including: Organs, Concord To Seas & Moths. Bury Lexington will be having a final show on August 7th with very good friends of ours who are also playing their final show as well "Upon A Shallow Grave." More details on that here. We hope to see every familiar face one last time there.

in love & many memories,
Bury Lexington


"Always Rebuilding" EP is finally available!

After much time and effort of doing the artwork ourselves, writing & recording the music, getting mastered tracks & 100 pressed, our first 7 song E.P. "Always Rebuilding" is finally available. The EP will run $7.00 at a show, or email us for a copy in the mail. we are currently working on an online store.

If you have or plan on getting the album:

The album material from start to finish is literally pieces put together in over a two year time frame; from the time we started this whole thing back in the summer of 2007 till early August 2009 when we set off to record in New Jersey. So when you hear it in it's entirety you will notice some songs/parts that are much older than the more recent material. We decided to record these seven tracks regardless of how different or similar they might sound because it defined us as a band throughout this long period of time. We hope you can appreciate every song with that in mind.

with love,
-Brandon, Josh, Ian, Chris & Nick


Winter maaannnnn.

This is what we have been up to.....




Here is an old banner of ours made pretty quickly. If you know how to make them, great! help us out and spread the word. I believe this one is linked up to our myspace if you click on the image.

Add this banner to your page or email to a friend:


Bury Lexington : Double Feature

Here's two videos despite our absence. We're working hard to gain some money for new shirts and pressing our CD. Also, we have not had a camera since summer so that's a big factor in the lack of videos. But, anyway, enjoy.



New Tracks Up On MySpace and Purevolume!

Pretty much said everything we needed to in the title. Go check out new tracks from Always Rebuilding. We're really proud of what we've done so it would really mean a lot to hear feedback from everyone. Thanks!



Mario Killian

Hey, Mario

Here's that video you wanted of you drinking the hot sauce. Hope you enjoy the part where you drink it..

...cause it ain't in it. Sucka!


Recording: Day 3

Aug. 9th

Busy day. Sorry there isn't a decent amount of footage but we were in a big rush the last day. We tracked bass, vocals, and keyboards. We also re-amped the guitars which was a new and fun experience. It's where we take time to find exactly the guitar sound we want and re-record the tracks.
We also did group vocals for some tracks. We didn't head home until about midnight. Long drive. We appreciate everything Len and his wife did for us and we wish them he best.